All of our production is carried out according to the standards of food safety; it includes regular controls, documentation and traceability of the entire production process and continuous efforts to optimize it.
The production takes place under high hygiene standards. We monitor technological developments and select those that are suitable for us.
We have experienced staff which receives regular trainings, working at every stage of our production.
Suppliers are being treated as business partners and as an important part of our system.
In order to increase our market share, we continuously try to improve our product quality.
We customize our product range according to the needs and expectations of our customers.
Applying all standards set by all relevant laws and regulations.
Constantly applying our ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and making sure it is up-to-date.
Responsible use of natural resources and if possible, the use of recyclable materials.
Investing in clean energy by installing solar panels at our plants.
Minimizing waste product.
All waste products are being separated and disposed in a controlled manner and wastewater is being checked and clarified regularly.
Environmental sustainability is a top criteria when it comes to decision-making.
Hazard analysis and risk minimization
Training of staff of environmental protection
Recycling packing materials.
To advise and suggest our suppliers and subcontractors, who provide goods and services to our company, to apply environmental standards similar to our system.